Dr. Nadim Reza Khandaker
Department of Civil Engineering
- 8801944780106
- head.ce@baustkhulna.ac.bd
1995: Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University.
1991: M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Arkansas.
1986: B.S.E. Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Graduated Cum Laude.
1997: (M4890) Professional Engineering License in Chemical Engineering, New Brunswick, Canada.
2009: (100145253) Professional Engineering License Ontario, Canada.
Expert in translational research where he takes concepts derived in the bench to fruitful industrial application. Three US Patents in water treatment and copy writes. Over 90 publications and counting: technical publications in water and wastewater treatment, and renewable energy, along with over 100 presentations at international technical conferences, workshops and academic institutions. Featured as a Technical Expert on international television and in journals and newspapers. Served as Technical Advisor to international agencies and companies on issues related to water and wastewater treatment. Over thirty years of experience on development of water, wastewater and renewable energy technology for municipal, industrial and agricultural applications. Mitigation of hazardous contaminants in aquatic and soil environments for the purpose of providing safe water, sanitation and renewable energy to communities. Highly focused by international and national media in his area of expertise. Of note is his pioneering work in arsenic mitigation and safe water supply with UNICEF in the early 2000. As the lead in formulating a integrated arsenic mitigation project in the worst affected regions of Bangladesh where all the wells were tested, marked, patients identified, and alternate safe water options provided, arsenic technology development in new Mexico, perchlorate fate and affect in agriculture in Arizona, and introducing anaerobic industrial wastewater treatment to the Subcontinent; has worked on projects in numerous countries of the world including, Canada, USA, Mexico, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, countries in Europe, Cambodia, Bhutan.
M. S. Rafiq, M. S. H. Apurba and N. R. Khandaker, “Voir Dire of Waste-to-Energy Conversion from Municipal Solid Waste in Dhaka North City Corporation through Incineration: A Practical Venture or an Inefficient Endeavor?,” 2024 7th International Conference on Development in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICDRET60388.2024.10503690. (Corresponding Author)
Nadim Reza Khandaker and Arup Ratan Das.” Mitigation Research in the Nexus of Heatwave Risks: Iron oxide primer coating of corrugated iron roofs for space cooling”. Urgency of Heat Wave Risk Management. All India Disaster Mitigation Institute. Southasiadisester.net. Issue No: 209. March 2024. https://aidmi.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/209-Urgency-of-Heatwave-Risk-Management.pdf. (Corresponding Author)
Rafiq, S., Das, A. R., Apurba, M. S. H., Khandaker, N. R. (2023). Using the appropriate technology for disaster risk mitigation: the case of extreme heat events. Turkish Red Cross TRC Journal of Humaratian Action, 2, 137-146. https://doi.org/10.55280/trcjha.2023.2.2.0009 (Corresponding Author)
Haniyum Maria Khan, Mohammad Moshiur Rahman, Nadim Reza Khandaker (2004). Harnessing Bangladesh’s Undeveloped Geothermal Potential: A Case Study of the Barapukuria Coal Basin. Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace Journal. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3126/jsdpj.v2i1.63240 (Corrosponding Author).
Md Sahil Rafiq, Mohammad Shakhawat Hosen Apurba, Nadim Reza Khandaker (2004). Harnessing Untapped Resources for Sustainable Energy Production from Municipal Solid Waste in Recourse Challenged Economies: A Case Study of Rajshahi City Corporation, Bangladesh Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace Journal. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3126/jsdpj.v2i1.63240 (Corrosponding Author).
Md. Sahil Rafiq, and Nadim Reza Khandaker. (2004). Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Waste in Bangladesh: Advancing a Greener Industry through Resource Recovery and Recycling. Research Square. (Now accepted for publication). https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3954758/v1
Haque, I.S., Rahman, M.M., Rafiq, M.S. Mohammad Shakhawat Hosen Apurba, Nadim Reza Khandaker. (2004). Energy recovery potential in Bangladesh from elevated temperature textile processing wastewater: an analysis of energy recovery, energy economics and reduction in carbon dioxide emission. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-023-01933-w(Senior Author-Corrosponding)
Rafiq, M.; Khandaker, N.R.; Rahman, M.M.; Apurba, M.H. Sustainable Treatment of Textile Processing Wastewater in Resource Challenged Economies: Utilizing Calcium Hypochlorite Oxidation Followed by Sand Filtration with Waste Blast Furnace Iron Slag for Repurposing Treated Effluent in Wet Processing, in Proceedings of the OHOW 2023 – The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka University, Dhaka, 6–8 December 2023, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, doi:10.3390/OHOW2023-16569. (Senior Author-Corrosponding-Won Best Paper)
Nadim Reza Khandaker, Arup Ratan Das, (2023). In the Nexus of Heat Wave Risks: Iron Oxide Primer Coating of Corrugated Iron Roofs for Space Cooling. International Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Center. https://preparecenter.org/resource/in-the-nexus-of-heat-wave-risks-iron-oxide-primer-coating-of-corrugated-iron-roofs-for-space-cooling/
Khan, H. M., Rahman, M. M., & Khandaker, N. R. (2023). To drill or, not to drill for natural gas in Bangladesh: A comparative economic and reservoir analysis. Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace Journal, 1(02), 76–94. https://doi.org/10.3126/jsdpj.v1i02.58221 (Corresponding Author)
Das, A. R., Sayanno, T. K., & Khandaker, N. R. (2023). Appropriate Technology Development for Energy Conservation in Animal Husbandry in the Context of Southeast Asian Countries. Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace Journal, 1(02), 25–46. https://doi.org/10.3126/jsdpj.v1i02.58218 (Corrosponding Author)
Sitara Jannat Bushra, Jahid Hasan and Nadim Reza Khandaker. (2023). The Application of Anaerobic Digestion in the New Nexus of a Circular Economy in a Developing Economy: Applications to Textile Processing Wastewater and Mass Scale Rice Cooking Generated Wastewater. (Chapter 3). In; A Closer Look at Anaerobic Digestion. NOVO Publishers. Series: Waste and Waste Management DOI: https://doi.org/10.52305/SKCZ3668. (Corresponding Author)
Khandaker, N., Mohammad, R., & Khan, H. (2022). Faustian paradigm: A critique of the paper titled “The Bengal Water Machine: Quantified freshwater capture in Bangladesh. [e-Letter, Science]. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm4730
Nadim Reza Khandaker, Mohammad Moshiur Rahman, Md. Abtahi Rabby, Tamal 1Kanti Ray,, Mahin Alam, and Tamjid Ahmad. (2022) The Role of Bhandari (Treasure Hunters) in Resource Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste in Dhaka Bangladesh. Proceedings SUM2022. © 2022 CISA Publisher. All rights reserved / www.cisapublisher.com.
Khandaker, N.R., Rahman, M.M. (2022). Understanding Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation Technology Application in the Indian Subcontinent. In: Yadav, S., Negm, A.M., Yadava, R.N. (eds) Wastewater Assessment, Treatment, Reuse and Development in India. Earth and Environmental Sciences Library. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-95786-5_5
Khandaker, N. R. (2022). Case Studies of Holistic Approach to Engineering: GNH- Engineering. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development. https://doi.org/10.17102/bjrd.rub.10.2.009
Khandaker, N. R. (2022). Assessing the Groundwater Quality of Rohingya Refugee Camp Cox Bazar Bangladesh. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development. https://doi.org/10.17102/bjrd.rub.10.2.020
Rio, F. F., Khandaker, N. R. ., & Ahmed, S. . (2022). The Effects of Untreated Textile Effluents on Groundwater near Kodda Gazipur Industrial Area in Bangladesh. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development. https://doi.org/10.17102/bjrd.rub.10.2.016
N. Reza Khandaker, M. Moshiur Rahman and F. Islam Khan, “Action Research in Bhutan: Production of Biogas from Rice Cooking Generated Wastewater,” 2021 6th International Conference on Development in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET), 2021, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/ICDRET54330.2021.9752680.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. (2020). Appropriate technology adaptation to mitigate community transmission of SARS CoV2 virus in resourced challenged Bhutan and Bangladesh. Environmental and Toxicology Management. Page 37-41.
Arfa Feezanul Islam, Salemun Bahar Nadim Reza Khandaker. (2020). A multivariant risk assessment of the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in different scenarios in Bangladesh: Identifying potential danger zones and proposing solutions. Sukatha Procedia. Volume 1, 24 May 2021. Page 111-126. www. Weentechpublishers.com ISSN: 2754-1266.
Md. Razwat Azim, Nadim Reza Khandaker, Md. Moshiur Rahman. (2020). Energy efficient implementation and greenhouse gas reduction by replacing air conditioners by heat water adsorption chillers. Sukatha Procedia. Volume 1, 24 May 2021. Page 104-110. www. Weentechpublishers.com ISSN: 2754-1266.
Md, Mahidy Hossain Nadim Reza Khandaker. (2020) Developing a low-cost methane gas concentration measuring device. Sukatha Procedia. Volume 1, 24 May 2021. Page 54-59. www. Weentechpublishers.com ISSN: 2754-1266.
Nadim Reza Khandaker.(2020) Preface to Sukatha Adhiveshn procidia. Sukatha Procedia. Volume 1, 24 May 2021. Page i. www. Weentechpublishers.com ISSN: 2754-1266.
Nadim Khandaker, Mohammad Moshiur Rahman and Diba De Salima.(2021). Acetogenic Pretreatment as an Energy Efficient Method for Treatment of Textile Processing Wastewater. A chapter in Anaerobic Digestion in Built Environments from IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99107
Arfaa Feezanul Islam, Faria Tabassum, Nadim Reza Khandaker (Corresponding Author). (2020). Performance evaluation and sustainable, cost-effective and energy-efficient process enhancement measures for Pagla sewage treatment plant, Bangladesh. iCRBE Procedia. Volume 1: Issue 1. Page 150-157.
Nadim Reza Khandaker, Iffat Afreen, Farjana Binte Huq, Tashfia Akter. (2020). Treatment of textile wastewater using calcium hypochlorite oxidation followed by waste iron rust aided rapid filtration for color and COD removal for application in resources challenged Bangladesh. Groundwater for Sustainable Development. 10: Pages: 100342
Nadim Reza Khandaker, Faisal Fahad Rio, Lina Sarkar, Ayesha Sharmin. (2020). Acetogenic Aerobic Sequential Batch Reactors in Series Operation for Textile Wastewater Treatment. Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques. 8: 2. Pages 766-769.
Nadim Reza Khandaker, SM Shabab Islam, Umme Farah Shakin. (2020). Biogas Generation from Rice Cooking WastewaterJournal of Environmental Treatment Techniques. 8: 2. Pages 794-796.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. UNABATED BLOWOUT CRATER NATURAL GAS RELEASE: A POTENTIAL SOURCE OF GAS. Energy and Power. January 2020. https://ep-bd.com/view/details/article/NDU0OA%3D%3D/title?q=Unabated+Blowout+Crater+Natural+Gas+Release%3A+A+Potential+Source+Of+Gas.
Afrida Binth Iqbal, Mohammad Moshiur Rahman, Dhiman Ranjan Mondal, Nadim Reza Khandaker, Haniyum Maria Khan, Gias Uddin Ahsan, Md Jakariya, Md Mainul Hossain. (2020). Assessment of Bangladesh groundwater for drinking and irrigation using weighted overlay analysis. Groundwater for Sustainable Development. 10: Pages: 100312.
Nadim Khandaker. (2019). A Forgotten Public Health Crisis. Engineers for Change https://www.google.com/search?ei=i8vyX5j4E5rFrQHyyKngDQ&q=a+forgotten+public+health+crisis+Engineers+for+Change&oq=a+forgotten+public+health+crisis+Engineer.
S M Shabab Islam, Umme Farah Shakin Neha and Nadim Reza Khandaker (Corresponding Author). Biogas Generation from Rice Cooking Wastewater. Proceedings International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Resource Security (IC-ENSURES 2019).
Nadim Reza Khandaker (Corresponding Author). (2019). Acetogenic Aerobic Sequential Batch Reactors in Series Operation for Textile Wastewater Treatment .Proceedings International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Resource Security (IC-ENSURES 2019).
Nadim Reza Khandaker, Siddique Sharkar, Faisal Fahad Rio. (2019). Acetogenesis : A Novel Energy Efficient Operation of Textile Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPS). Edited by Nadim Reza Khandaker. Century Publications. Dhaka. ISBN: 978-984-34-6645-7.
Tashfia Aktar, Hossain Barsha, Fardeen Arafat, Nadim Reza Khandaker (Corresponding Author). (2019). Local innovation for application of membrane system for supply of arsenic-safe water in rural Bangladesh. WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy 5 (2019) 35-42.
Nadim Reza Khandaker, Farjana Binte Huq & Dil Samina Diba. (2019). Zero Liquid Discharge the Swan Song for the Textile Processing Industry in South Asia? Water Today – . www.watertoday.org.
Md Tousif Rahman, Nadim Khandaker (Corresponding Author). (2018). Physical Properties of Dewatered Waste Sludge from Textile Processing Wastewater Facility for Construction. Renewable Energy and its Innovative Technologies. Springer. (1). Page 25.
Md Siddiqur R Sarker, Mohammad Moshiur Rahman, Nadim Khandaker (Corresponding Author). (2018). Defining the kinetics of the novel application of anaerobic acetogenics for treating textile dyeing wastewater. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. Springer. 4:3 Pages: 1259-1270.
Md Tousif Rahman, Nadim Khandaker (Corresponding Author). (2017). Physical Properties of Dewatered Waste Sludge from Textile Processing Wastewater Facility for Construction Renewable Energy and its Innovative Technologies: Proceedings of ICEMIT 2017.
Nadim Reza Khandaker, Md. Sarker, and Samia Davina Rahman. (2017). Acetogenic Pretreatment of Textile Wastewater for Energy Conservation . International Journal of Science and Research. Volume 6: (9).Pages 59-62. ISSN: 2319-7064.
Nadim Reza Khandaker,Tauhidul Islam, and Fazle Rabbi. (2017). Biogas Generation Potential from Textile Wastewater: Aggregation Analysis of Hundred Textile Facilities in Greater Dhaka Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Research .6: (9). Pages 20-22. ISSN: 2319-7064.
Nadim Reza Khandaker, (2017). Zero Liquid Discharge as a Sustainability Requirement with Limited Available Energy a Quagmire for Bangladesh Textile Industry. International Journal of Science and Research. 6: (9). Pages 18-19. ISSN: 2319-7064.
Kazi Akib Bin Asad and Nadim Reza Khandaker (Corresponding Author). (2017). Municipal Solid Waste Landfill in Dhaka: A Sustainable Approach for Energy Generation. International Journal of Science and Research.6(9). Pages 12-17. ISSN: 2319-7064.
Nadim Reza Khandaker and Samia Davina Rahman. Requiring Zero Liquid Discharg as a Sustainability Requirment With Limited Avaliable Energy a Quagmire fro Bangladesh Textile Industry. Energy and Power, March 1, 2017. Page 57-58.
Nadim Khandaker. (2016). Comment on “Ship Breaking and the Steel Industry in Bangladesh: A Materials Flow Perspective” An Argument for Saving the Baby while Throwing away the Bathwater with Caveat. Journal of Industrial Ecology. Volume 21:1. Page 201.
Nadim Khandaker and Abdullah Mohmad Talha. (2016). The New Nexus and the Need for Understanding Textile Wastewater Treatment. BUFT Journal. Volume 3. Page 19-26. ISSN2306-045X.
Nadim Reza Khandaker and Md. Sarkar, and Iffat Afreen. (2016). Experimental Evaluation of Physical Chemical Treatment Options for Denim Processing Wastewater. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, Vol. 5, No 4, Page 1842 – 1849. ISSN: 2278-3687 (O)
Nadim Reza Khandaker and Md. Sarkar, and S.M. Mostafizur Rahman. Innovation in Biotechnology to Reduce Energy Consumption in Textile Wastewater Treatment. Energy and Power, October 16, 2016. Page 37-39.
Nadim Reza Khandaker and Md. Sarkar (2016). Application of Acetogenic Reactor for Textile Dyeing Wastewater Treatment in theContext of Bangladesh, WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy Volume 3. page-155-158. ISSN: 2059-2353.
Mirza Habib, Sheik Elahi and Nadim Khandaker (Corresponding Author). (2016). Development of a High Efficiency Burner for Large Scale Cooking for Application in Developing Economies, WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy Volume 3. page-174-177. ISSN: 2059-2353.
Mirza Md Habib, Sheik Rahmat Elahi and Nadim Reza Khandaker (Corresponding Author). (2016).To Investigate the Scale of Natural Gas Consumption for Mass Cooking Per Person Per Day in Bangladesh. International Conference on Power, Energy, and Management. page-197-200. ISBN: 978-1-60595-324-3.
Nadim Reza Khandaker, Mirza Md Lutful, and Sheik Rahmat Elahi. (December 1, 2015) Energy Efficient Burner for Mass Cooking in Bangladesh. Energy and Power, December 1, 2015.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. (Senior Author) (2015). Evaluation of Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment and Simultaneous Biogas Generation Potential from the Bangladesh Military Savar Dairy Farm, WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy Volume 2.page-207. ISSN: 2059-2353
N. R. Khandaker (Senior Author), S. Sakib, A. B. M.T. Pasha, M.A. Jaglul. (2015). High Sodium in Drinking Water in Coastal Communities of Bangladesh. WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy Volume 2. Page 74. ISSN: 2059-2353
N.R. Khandaker (Senior Author), M. Rashedin, S. Bhattacharjee. (2015) Development of a Novel Wastewater Treatment to Treat Textile Dyeing Wastewater for Application in Resource Challenged Bangladesh. WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy Volume 2. Page 88. ISSN: 2059-2353
Nadim Khandaker (Senior Author). (2015). Evaluation of Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment and Simultaneous Bio-gas Generation Potential from The Milk Processing Factory Wastewater in The Military Dairy Farm, Savar. MIST Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 3 No 1.. Pages 01-05. ISSN: 2224-2007.
Quadir, U.M.T., Murtuz, A.K.M.G., Islam, K., Muniruzzaman, S.M., and Khandaker, N.R. (2014), “Mechanical Behavior of Concrete using Recycled Granulated Steel”, Proceedings of the 1st IUT International Seminar on Sustainability, Recycling, and Durability of Concrete, December 8, 2014.
Nadim Khandaker, et al., Performance of Arsenic Removal Filters in Bangladesh Groundwater. MIST Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 2 No 2. December 2013. Pages 58-68. ISSN: 2224-2007.
Nadim Khandaker, et al., Performance of Arsenic Removal Filters in Bangladesh. UITS Journal. Volume 2 Issue 2. December 2013. Pages 58-68. ISSN: 2226-3128.
Nadim Khandaker, et al., High Sodium in Drinking Water in Coastal Bangladesh: Is it a Public Health Concern. Journal of National Heart foundation of Bangladesh. Volume 2 Issue 1. July 2013. Pages 50-53. ISSN: 2226-454X.
Nadim Khandaker, et al., Low Sodium Intake: A cause for Concern for Increased Cardiovascular Disease Events. Journal of Polecy Engagement in Engineering Dimensions. July/August 2012. Pages 45-47.
Nadim Khandaker. Provisional US Patent Application on Novel Chemical Reduction of Perchlorate. Filed December 2010.
Nadim Khandaker and Shirya Rashid. “Affordable renewable energy: How microfinancing powers rural Bangladesk”. The Journal of Polecy Engagement. Decomber 2010. Volume 2. No.6. Pages 20-22.
Nadim R. Khandaker and Patric V. Brady. “Will “Arsenic Safe Wells in Bangladesh Remain Safe”. Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine. January 2010. Pages 54-55.
Nadim Khandaker and Peter Seto. “ Novel Application of Vermiculite to Remove Siloxane from Biogas”. International Journal of Green Energy. 2010. 7: 38–42.
Nadim R. Khandaker and Patric V. Brady. “Will “Arsenic Safe” Wells in Bangladesh Remain Safe. SAND 2009-6557P. Sandia National Laboratories. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550. USA. November 16, 2009.
Nadim R. Khandaker and Patric V. Brady. “Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water: A Hand-Book for Communities.” Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque. New Mexico 87185. USA (Department of Energy). March 31, 2009.
Nadim Khandaker, Wayne Parker, Peter Seto. “Optimization of Hydrogen Production by Mixed Culture in an Acidogenic Reactor Using Food Processing Waste and Waste Activated Sludge as Substrate”. Proceedings of the Third International Gas Technology Conference, Tobago, Trinidad. 2008. Page 68-76.
Nadim Khandaker. Letter. “ Critique of Articale on Sodium Hypochlorite Dosage for Household or Emergency Water Usage”. Journal of American Water Works Association. October 2008. Page 8.
Nadim Khandaker. “The Dynamics of Simultaneous Fluoride and Arsenic Removal with Metal Oxides and their Influence on Process Design”. Proceedings of the Second International Gas Technology Conference, Tobago, Trinidad. 2007. Pages 109-115.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. “Bangladesh village has its own solution for arsenic with slow sand filtration”. Environmental Science and Engineering. July 2007. Pages 42-43.
Shirya Rashid and Nadim Khandaker. “Risk factors for early myocardial infraction in South Asians”. Journal of American Medical Association. 2007. Vol 297, No.17. Pages 1880-1881.
David M. Teter , Patric V. Brady, James L. Krumhansal , and Nadim R. Khandaker, “Method of removing arsenic and other anionic contaminants from contaminated water using enhanced coagulation”. US Patent 7138063. November 21, 2006.
C. A. Sanchez, R. I. Krieger, L. Valentin-Blasin, B. C. Blount, and N. R. Khandaker. “Perchlorate Accumulation and Potential Exposure from Durum Wheat Irrigated with Colorado River Water”. Journal of ASTM International. Volume 3, Issue 7. July/August 2006.
C. A. Sanchez, R. I. Krieger, N. R. Khandaker, L. Valentin-Blasini, and B. C. Blount
“Potential Perchlorate Exposure from Citrus sp. Irrigated with Contaminated Water”. Analytical Chimica Acta; 2006. 567(1):33-38.
Khandaker, N.R., Krumhansl, J.L., L.L. Neidel , and Siegel, M.D. “Performance Evaluation of ALCAN-AASF50-Ferric Coated Activated Alumina and Granular Ferric Hydroxide (GFH) for Arsenic Removal in the Presence of Competitive Ions in an Active Well: Kirtland Field Trial-Initial Studies”. 2006. SAND2005-7693. Sandia National Laboratories. Albuquerque. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
Sanchez, C.A.; Crump, K.S.; Krieger, R.I.; Khandaker, N.R.; Gibbs, J.P. “Perchlorate and Nitrate in Leafy Vegetables of North America.” Environmental Science and Technology; 2005; 39(24) pp 9391-9397.
C.A. Sanchez, R.I. Krieger, N. Khandaker, R.C. Moore, K.C.Holts, and L.L. Neidel. “Accumulation and Perchlorate Exposure Potential of Lettuce Produced in the Lower Colorado River Region.” Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry; 2005; 53(13) pp 5479-5486.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. “Limited Accuracy of Arsenic Field Test Kit” Environmental Science and Technology”. December 12, 2004. Page 479A.
Khandaker et al. “Arsenic Removal in Conjunction With Lime Softning”. US Patent 6802980 B1. October 12, 2004.
Brady, PV, Teter, DM, Krumhans, J, Khandaker, NR. 2004. “Anion uptake by mixed-metal (hydr)oxides”. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 68 (11): A522-A522 Supplement.
Patric V. Brady, Nadim R. Khandaker, James L. Krumhansal, and David M. Teter. “In sutu Remediation Process Using Divalent Metal Cations”. US Patent 6830695 B1. December 14, 2004.
Brady, P.V., Teter, D.M., Khandaker, N.R., Krumhansl, J.L., Siegel, M.D. “Development of Novel Arsenic Treatment Approches”. 2004. SAND2004-0056. Sandia National Laboratories. Albuquerque, NM.
Nadim Khandaker and Tom Murphy. “Performance Evaluation of Arsenic Removal Technologies Currently Applied in Bangladesh for Arsenic Removal In presence of Competetive Ions”. Electronic Proceedings 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Pollutants Analysis and Control, December 1, 2003, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam.
Ali Ahmed Ziauddin and Nadim Khandaker. “Appropriate Technology in Action: Experience in Arsenic Mitigation in Action”. Proceedings 5th Internationation Conference in Arsenic, Febreuary 15-17th, 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Nadim R. Khandaker and Patrick V. Brady. “Design of Pilot Plants and the Issue of Similitude with Full-Scale Systems in Water Treatment Application”. SAND2002-3183. (October 2002). U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
Nadim R. Khandaker and Patrick V. Brady. “Arsenic Removal Technologies and the Effect of Source Water Quality on Performance”. SAND2002-2423. (July 2002). U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
Nadim R. Khandaker and Patrick V. Brady . “Allowable Concentration of Arsenic in Drinking Water and its Implication on the Arsenic Mitigation Efforts in Bangladesh”. Chemical and Engineering News. Page 2, (February, 2002).
Nadim R. Khandaker and Patrick V. Brady. “Laboratory Evaluation of the HACH Arsenic Field
Test Kit”. Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine. 2001. Volume 20. Page 15-20.
N. R. Khandaker, D. M. Teter, J. L. Krumhansl, and P. V. Brady. “Performance Evaluation of Arsenic Sorption Media Using A Two Step Rapid Evaluation Protocol”. Aquatic Arsenic Toxicity and Treatment. 2003. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. Page 159-165.
Nadim Reza Khandaker and James C. Young. “Effect of Culture Acclimation on The Kinetics of Aldicarb Insecticide Degredation Under Methanogenic Conditions.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2000 Apr; 48(4):1411-6.
Nadim Reza Khandaker and James C. Young. “Kinetic of Carbofuran Insecticide Conversion Under Methanogenic Conditions.” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B – Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B34(5), 805-818, 1999.
Nadim Reza Khandaker and James C. Young. “Kinetic Assessment of the Effect of Carbamates on Anaerobic Transformation of Co-substrate Reactions.” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B – Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B 32(1), 107-125, 1997.
Nadim Khandaker. “Application of Anaerobic Respirometers for Treatability Assesment of Industrial Wastewaters,” Proceedings 51st Annual Purdue University Industrial Waste Conference, 1996.
James C. Young and Nadim Khandaker. “Anaerobic Test Protocol for Assessing Industrial Wastewater Treatment.” Proceedings 50th Annual Purdue University Industrial Waste Conference, 1995.
Nadim Reza Khandaker and James C. Young. “Fate of Carbamate Insecticides in Methanogenic Environments.” Proceedings Water Environment Federation, 68 Annual Conference, 1995.
Nadim Reza Khandaker and James C. Young. “Biological Treatability of Industrial Wastewaters under Anaerobic Conditions.” Annual Water Pollution Control Association of Pennsylvania Conference.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. “Arsenic in Bangladesh” World Watch, Volume 13, No. 3, May/June 2000.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. 1995. “Fate and Effect of Aldicarb, Carbaryl, and Carbofuran Insecteside in Methanogenic Environments.” Dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. USA.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. 1991. “Anaerobic Degradation of Pulp and Paper Mill Waste Pulp Fibers. Thesis. University of Arkansas. Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. APEGNB Helps Reduce Arsenic Poisoning in Bangladesh. Engenuity: Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick. Spring 2008. Issue 134. Pages 32-33.
Nadim Reza Khandaker. “Postcard from Bangladesh: The Shibaloy experience in arsenic technology development”. Engenuity: Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick. Spring 2007. Issue 134. Pages 24-25.
Nadim R. Khandaker. “How to Make Men Smell Better: A Laymens Guide to Water Treatment Technologies for Rural Communities”. 2014. Saint John New Brunswick, Canada. ISBN 978-0-9936241-0-0.
Nadim R. Khandaker, et.al., “Redesign of Star Burner to a High Efficiency Burner for Mass Cooking”. In. Towards Sustaniable Development. 2015. Saint John New Brunswick, Canada. ISBN 978-0-9936241-2-4.
Nadim R. Khandaker, et.al., “A Much Needed Engineering Protocol for Bangladesh Clothing Manufacturers to Save Lives”. In. Towards Sustaniable Development. 2015. Saint John New Brunswick, Canada. ISBN 978-0-9936241-2-4.
See Above
Multiple research grants and projects amounting over 50 Million US Dollars.
Over forty years of experience in Research, Industry and Academics, working in both developed and developing countries.