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Department of Chemistry , BAUST, Khulna
BAUST Khulna is being established in a temporary campus in general area Shiromoni of Phultala Upazila of Khulna District. Shiromoni bears the testimony of one of the greatest tank battles of the history that took place during our War of Liberation 1971. The temporary campus is 500 yards west of Jahanabad Cantonment and 10 km from Khulna City.
BAUST Khulna is being established in a temporary campus in general area Shiromoni of Phultala Upazila of Khulna District. Shiromoni bears the testimony of one of the greatest tank battles of the history that took place during our War of Liberation 1971. The temporary campus is 500 yards west of Jahanabad Cantonment and 10 km from Khulna City.
Message from the Desk of Head
Dr. Mohammed Hasan Rana
Head, Department of Civil Engineering, BAUST, Khulna
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur. It gives me immense pleasure to inform you the long-standing fame of Civil Engineering Department. We have crossed hundreds of miles in our field. Here we offer both undergraduate and postgraduate (Ph.D. / M. Sc. / M. Engg.) degrees. To inspire the future researchers of our country, we provide teaching assistantship at postgraduate level.
To meet the challenges of globalization in the new millennium, we will have to increase and uphold the professional efficiencies. Our whole approach should be integrated to global development. To attain that goal high quality teaching and research should be intensified. Recent growth of international trade resulting from globalization coupled with increasing urbanization is leading to increasing demands on construction of