BAUST Khulna at the University premises.
BAUST Khulna at the University premises.
BAUST Khulna at the University premises.

Introduction to

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , BAUST Khulna

Electricity and Electronics plays vital and in fact, indispensable role in all fields of modern human activities. Consequently, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) has established itself as one of the most important branches of engineering. The technical aspects of this branch of engineering are often categorized by terms such as power systems, power electronics, telecommunications, electronic circuits and devices, and computer engineering. The students of Electrical and Electronics Engineering are required to have a balanced knowledge of digital electronics, computers, microprocessors and programming in addition to the knowledge on various courses of electrical and electronics.

Message from the Desk of Head

Name of the head

Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , BAUST Khulna

Coming Soon…


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